今天是:2009年1月8日 中 文 English          
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Job: Manager, Political Advisory
来源:Vestas Wind Technology (China) Co., Ltd. 时间:2008-9-19 11:52:41


Job title: Manager, Political Advisory

Department: Government Relations, China Hub

Immediate Manager: Holly Cheng


Purposes of the position (Role):

Vestas has grown its revenue 100% in the past few years and China is target to become the biggest market in the world for Vestas. The GR China Department is set under such background. And the Manager, Political Advisory role is set to provide a general support to the Head of the GR China Hub, with specific focus on driving political advisory tasks as part of the key focused contributes for achieving GR China Strategy.

Essential Responsibilities:

1)      Monitoring the regulatory framework and making recommendations to VESTAS

The current issues monitoring work are mainly carried out by external consultants. The job holder are expected to work closely with the related consultant and private timely, well thought reports for use of related VESTAS stakeholders;

2)      Key political stakeholder mapping and follow up with development of laws which are energy related so as to identify areas to promote new/renewable energy and wind.

Vestas should seek to find influencing points in drafting or developments of these major laws: drafting of Energy Law, revision on Renewable Energy Law, Chinese Energy Conservation Law and the development of Circular Economy Law and seek areas of influences

3) Drive specific projects identified ie: CBCSD

Apart from some existing channels which Vestas has already identified, there are certain Chinese channels which Vestas can make good use of for voicing our positions as well as increase our profile so as to demonstrate of leadership positions in wind industry and by sharing best practice or lessons learned. CBCSD is an example. This year, they will drive to increase the profile of wind, with the joining of VESTAS.  

4) Take part in the provincial study work and monitor provincial regulatory development. Part of the “pre-sales” team when requiredspecifically to be part of the sales process by influencing the framework behind the sales: specifically key political energy figures in 13-18 key provinces


5) Support Other GR Initiatives as requested by the Line Manager

EUCCC/VESTAS CHINA VIP Forum/Various Workshops


6) Support the Line Manager in preparation of reporting, translations (when necessary) and arranging external meetings


Qualification and competency required: (education, training, license, skills, knowledge etc.)

Ø        University graduate a minimum

Ø        At least 10 years working experience related with China with both experience working with Chinese government organizations and in energy industry, ideally with well known international energy company

Ø        Previous exposure to GR work and track record of leading initiatives in GR field, such as policy monitoring, facilitating shaping of certain regulatory work in China, sustainability development, CSR, climate change etc.

Ø        Understands how Chinese political systems work

Ø        Strong in both political analytical work as well as relationship building

Ø        Good communicator

Ø        A good team player and quick learner

Ø        Good command of English, both oral and writing

Ø        Good computer skills especially ppt

Ø        Independent, good social skills and capable of taking initiatives

Vestas Wind Technology (China) Co., Ltd.

E-mail: [email protected]




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